
Tuesday, February 26, 2019


I haven't updated y'all with a weight-loss / weight-gain post since February 4th, which was a whopping three weeks ago. So, here's the result of that time period:

Honestly, it's what I expected, as I mentioned in my last post: with traveling, having 8,000 snow/cold days, coming down with The Plague, and just getting off track in general, the scale was bound to move in the less-desired direction.

So, you may be wondering why in the world I titled my post Proud. Well, friends, let me tell you:

1. I have had two super-hard workouts already this week. Both yesterday and today, Pilates was tough, and I pushed myself.

At my main location (Woodbury), we're working on an advanced-to-me move, Snake:

This video is 100% not me.

I am very strong, and I am pretty decent at most Pilates moves. I am not, however, good at anything that involves holding myself up with my arms/wrists/hands, especially when it involves a moving surface.

I'm not entirely sure why. Part of it, I think, is that my elbows hyper-extend quite a bit, and I'm worried about them doing so when I'm trying to hold myself up; also, this hyperextension can make my wrists pretty sore when I put weight on them. Part of it is that I am not confident in the strength of my arms versus the power of my legs.

Whatever the reason, these types of movements terrify me.

But yesterday, I attempted a very-adapted version of the exercise pictured above, and I was able to get up -- albeit for a short time -- on my wrists. And that made me proud.

2. I stuck to my nutritional plan both yesterday and today. Yesterday, it was fairly easy, but today, I chaperoned a field trip, and our wonderful cafeteria workers packed me a sack lunch. While I ate the apple sauce, I opted out of the turkey sandwich, chips, and animal crackers and instead ate the lunch I packed. (I did, however, eat the animal crackers -- and tracked them -- on my way-too-long commute home.)

And speaking of that long commute home, I really didn't want to cook and instead wanted Jesus and I just to head to a restaurant instead. But, we made a good choice: we got home, cooked some fast (and delicious) chicken, and noshed on a salad instead.

3. The aforementioned field trip was so much fun. We took our Student Leadership Team to Base Camp for team-building and leadership-strengthening activities.

We started the morning with a goofy ice breaker; most of the students participated, but some were definitely "too cool."

That quickly changed, though, when we did the first "challenge." The whole group had to "island hop" across a "lake full of lava," and they only had two thin boards to use for assistance. It started off as a very individualistic activity, but students quickly realized they had to work together -- and did a really great job of it.

We did another activity where they were all thisclose to each other, which on any other day would likely have not worked; my students really like their space, often wanting to sit all alone rather than with even one more person at the table. But they all participated, and they all did great.

After a quick lunch, we were going to do a high ropes course but instead opted to rock climb. I was originally a bit salty about this, as rock climbing is hard, and I have never been super successful at it. I really wanted to participate -- and be a kid with, well, the kids, but I was uncertain that I could, simply because I am not good at rock climbing.

Well, guess what?
That's me! And I'm, like, a little more than halfway up the wall!

It was really, really hard, and I was really, really not confident, but I did it!

I asked a student to take photos while I was climbing, and I'm not going to lie: while I wanted photo documentation of my attempt, I was dreading what the pictures would look like. I mean, it's hard to look amazing (suck it in, pop it out, get the good angles, find the light, etc.) while in weird climbing formation.

But you know what? I'm not super disappointed in these photos! In fact, I think I look pretty darn strong! And, I'm really, really proud of myself.

So even though the scale has gone up over the last three weeks, I am overall very pleased with how I'm doing: I feel strong, I feel (more) confident, I am stepping outside of my comfort zone and taking risks, and I am looking better -- even in those unplanned, unposed photos. :)

Oh, and even with this recent gain, I'm still down 9.8 pounds overall.

And as I continue to stick to my nutritional plan, I know I'll keep going down.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Off Track

Y'all, I got wayyyyyyy off track the last few weeks. As I've mentioned before, I thrive on routine, and my life the last month has been anything but routine.

The last week of January, we had four snow days in a row. Then I came down with some serious sickness, went to work for two days (one of which was a teacher workshop day), and then headed out of town for three days. Less than a week later, two of my best friends came to the Twin Cities, and then the next day, the three of us and my other BFF went to Daytona for four days. This past week, we had yet another snow day.

It's been crazy, to say the least.

And my nutrition has suffered -- hard core.

But I will get back to the grind. Tomorrow, I start anew with a weigh-in, daily/weekly points, and 100% tracking. I'm also going to restart my goal-tracking, as I completely fell off the wagon in that regard, too.

In order to stick better to my nutritional plan, I'm going to focus on my why: the reason that eating healthfully is so important to me, the rationale through which I will achieve my goals.

First and foremost, I want to feel good. I have to admit, though, that I've been feeling pretty amazing the last few months, even though I'm not looking quite the way I want to look. Much of that likely has to do with a solid workout regime, some mindful self care (through relaxing baths, reading, writing, time with friends and family, etc.), and better nutrition.

Second, I want to look good. I realize how superficial that may sound, but it's true. For me, it's not necessarily "looking good" so that I can wear a certain thing (I already wear what I want -- but it'd be nice to fit into the cute clothes that are already in my closet) or so that people find me attractive (my boo tells me everyday how beautiful I am). Rather, I want to look the way I feel, especially strength-wise. I want my hard work in the gym to show in my physical appearance.

This image popped up on my TimeHop from three years ago:

I was definitely not in as great a place mentally as I am right now, but I was eating well and working out a ton (probably a little too much, hence the ankle injury that has sidelined me too dang much).

I loved the way I looked, though, and I truthfully feel like I've never looked better. I wasn't thin by any means, but I was strong, and my muscles were poppin'.

This is a photo that my trainer posted several days ago:

Granted, this is not going to be a flattering pose/angle for anyone, and while I felt super strong while she was taking the picture (I mean, I was pressing seven hundred and twenty pounds), I was so disappointed when I saw the photo.

I want to look like the girl from three years ago.

Also, I have a wedding coming up. I'd like to look as smokin' as possible in that wedding dress (even though I know that Jesus is going to cry when he sees me in it regardless -- he's going to think I look beautiful no matter what the number on the scale says), and I don't want to worry about not liking how I look in the photographs.

So, that's my why*: I want to feel good, and I want to look good. I want my inner strength (and my physical strength) to show outwardly.

With my current workout routine -- and with walking and light running added in as soon as spring decides to arrive -- and better nutrition, I know that I can get there.

*Also, I'm paying money for Weight Watchers. I need to stick to it, otherwise I'm basically throwing money away. Come on, Emily.

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Plague

This is going to be an ultra-short post, as I came down with some sort of sickness -- likely The Plague -- on Friday night, and it's been kicking my butt ever since. I was couch-bound all weekend, but I did get up to go to work today, only because a.) it was a professional development day and therefore relatively easy and b.) I will be missing Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for a conference in Duluth. Oh, and c.) I never call in sick because I'm stupid.

But, I wanted to update the ol' blog with my weekly weight change. This time, it went in the right direction:

Because this was the first non-January weigh-in, I also thought I'd update my yearly weight-loss calendar:

Despite the two weeks that I've gained weight over the course of this journey (both of which were in January), I have lost a total of 13 pounds in eleven weeks.

I also think I should have taken measurements at the beginning, as I don't think this accurately represents what I've lost. After all, I've been gaining a ton of muscle (that has allowed me to leg-press 720 pounds, for instance), so I've been "tightening up" and "slimming down."

My Pilates instructor noticed last week, which made me feel super good.

February should be an interesting month regarding this whole weight-loss adventure, as I have a couple of trips planned. First, as I mentioned above, I will be heading to Duluth on Wednesday morning and will be returning Friday evening; I will be there for a conference, and I will therefore have limited options regarding food, especially for breakfast and lunch. I plan to make good choices, but I also don't know how much control I'll ultimately have.

Second, I'm headed to Daytona Beach next weekend for a sort of bachelorette party -- that is really just an excuse to have a weekend by the ocean with my girlfriends. I am SO excited. And, I can guarantee you that I'll be eating a lot of oysters, fish sandwiches, French fries with malt vinegar, and hush puppies, and I'll be drinking my share of piña coladas and red wine. And, I'm not going to trip over that at all.

One of my all-time favorite bars -- the Ocean Deck -- where much of the aforementioned eating/drinking will happen.

Oh, and we will be in town for the Daytona 500, so people-watching will be amazing.

But for now, I'm going to go lie down on the couch or in my bed. My head is throbbing, and I have been vertical for far too long.

"See" y'all soon!