
Monday, December 3, 2018

One Week Down...

...and I am feeling so successful.

I know that this is not necessarily what I should ultimately be focusing on, but I'm pretty stoked:

I have tried several different "diets" (for as much as I hate that word), and Weight Watchers -- despite having the worst name ever -- just makes sense. My mom calls it "Whole30 without the crazy." After all, there are over 200 zero-point foods, meaning I can eat as many apples, carrots, and chicken breasts as I want without having to log a single thing. And, I can* eat whatever the heck I want -- within moderation.

*I hate the word "can" when it comes to nutrition. I can eat whatever the heck I want; I am choosing to eat certain things in order to achieve my goals, however.

And that moderation? It's not restrictive. For instance, I ate oatmeal with chocolate chips every morning last week. I also had popcorn and wine a couple of nights. And Saturday was far from a "compliant" day, as I had two dark beers, potato pancakes, schnitzel, chorizo, fry bread, etc. -- it was a day of cultural festivities. While I had no idea how to track most of that, I tried the best that I could.

But y'all, it didn't even matter: I still had 36 points remaining at the end of the week.

This is more than manageable -- and it is absolutely sustainable.

I will say that I have had a bit of a headache all week and have been a bit more tired than usual. (On Friday, we didn't have school, and I was knocked out the majority of the day.) I have been drinking water like it's going out of style, so it's not a dehydration headache. I've also been drinking coffee each morning, so it's not due to a lack of caffeine. I'm not sure what the reason is, but it's been pretty annoying.

Also, I will add that there have been times I've been a bit hungry. My mom mentioned this initially, but it feels like Weight Watchers is still kind of on the "low-fat" bandwagon. Fatty foods tend to "cost" more points, which makes me hesitant to eat them. I think I'm going to start adding some in, such as one Chobani Flip (8-ish points) per day.

As far as my other goals go, I'm pretty much smashing it:

Workout: I got my five workouts in -- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.

Drug/Supplement Regime: I'm seven for seven!

Water: I have gone above and beyond in this category. Aside from the few alcoholic beverages and daily coffee I mentioned, I only drank water last week. And I drank a ton of it.

Steps: I did not do so hot in this regard. I was between 5,000 and 7,000 each day, and this was even with adding steps at work. (Like, I would go from my classroom to the bathroom and back, and then I would go from my classroom to the water fountain and back -- rather than crossing all of those off in one fell swoop.) I just don't think 8,000 steps a day is feasible right now, but I'm going to continue walking as much as I can. And, perhaps even more importantly, I'm going to intentionally stand more at work. Instead of sitting at my desk during my planning period or while students are working, I'm going to try and work at a standing desk more often.

I'm feeling really good, really strong, really healthy, really motivated. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me.

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